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I don't think I've been banned wrongly but I have to say , Making a statue of me and burning it down is that funny to you? Making stories about me to have a laugh..? Really? You've gone to far.. And by the way I didn't sell bedrock , 1 of your staff gave it to me for money.. Even some of the people I didn't disrespect hate me? Seriously..;/ Could I have 1 more chance? Ill be builder..
(01-13-201403:02 PM)raytbh Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think I've been banned wrongly but I have to say , Making a statue of me and burning it down is that funny to you? Making stories about me to have a laugh..? Really? You've gone to far.. And by the way I didn't sell bedrock , 1 of your staff gave it to me for money.. Even some of the people I didn't disrespect hate me? Seriously..;/ Could I have 1 more chance? Ill be builder..

I don't know why you were banned, but i'll definitely look into it. Until then you can log on and be a builder.